Friday, May 20, 2011

The Paris Wife by Paula McLain

In honor of wedding season beginning, or just coincidentally...I just started The Paris Wife. The recommendation comes from a solid source- future sister in law, Sarah. I downloaded the sample first from Amazon and was instantly hooked. I love those books. Here's a link to buy it now. The review is coming once I've finished.


I finished sometime in the middle of last week. LOVE THIS BOOK. Have I reviewed The Red Tent yet? I'm going to need to check on that one...

The Paris Wife is one of those historical fiction gems that I love so damn much (see The Red Tent). The narrator is Ernest Hemingway's first wife, Hadley. I'm going to leave out any mentions of plot but clearly they spend sometime in Paris and there is a whole lotta fun and recognizable name-dropping, their pal "Scott," for instance is F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby).

While I love Hadley, the rest of the characters (particularly Hemingway, himself) are awful people. They are like the hipsters of the 20s. Desperate elitists. Trying sooooo hard to be cooler than their friends. Despite the era difference, the characters are recognizable and on some level relate-able.

Great book to start off your summer reading :)

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