Monday, May 30, 2011

bossypants by tina fey

It's Memorial Day. I tagged along with my brother for his weekly road trip to Chicago. (I regularly reside in suburban Detroit). For the trip my bro downloaded Tina Fey's autobiography, Bossypants. The bulk we listened to on the trip there. We finished on the way home.

I loved it. There's something about people discussing their intimate feelings of inadequacy that make me feel at peace with myself. Tina's book is no exception. The book is extremely revealing. Far more so than I would have expected. From her first menses, to the dynamic behind the scenes at SNL, she is frank and liberal with details.

The audiobook is ideal for consuming this book. I am clearly biased. Here's my rationale: Tina Fey is a comedian. The book is basically an extremely personal and detailed stand up routine- At least it feels that way. Via audiobook you're practically guaranteed to get the comedic punches because Tina personally delivers the lines rather than leaving them to be marred by your own inner voice. Also, there are audio clips from an SNL sketch which you forgo (i would imagine) completely with the text version.

Regardless of which way you choose to read this, it's worth it. It's funny, inspiring, motivating, charming, my kinda book completely.

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