Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese

I am glad I made it through. In the beginning I was completely disinterested. Several people recommended it. My mom's friend recommended it for her saying it is her all time favorite. The style it is written in is reminiscent of Wally Lamb. I wouldn't call it my favorite but it is a good read. It will give you a glimpse into Ethiopia and the life of an Indian-English immigrant doctor in the United States. But those things are backdrop. The story cycles through two generations of intrigue. I recommend it.

Hunger Games Update

----->This is Josh Hutcherson. The actor slated to play Peeta in the Hunger Games movie. Initially I was bummed. Peeta was my favorite character and this is not how I pictured him but I think he'll do a good job.
<-----This is Liam Hemsworth aka Miley Cyrus' beau. He'll be playing Gale Hawthorne...also not who I pictured. He's too pretty for this role.
Hopefully they will both act well and we won't have another Twilight adaptation where the actors are pretty but terrible.